See a penny and pick it up...
A friend shared this story with me and I thought that I would pass it along. I hope it inspires you as much as it has inspired me......

The Ripple Effect
Recent surveys of Christian leaders reveal that a startling percentage of them are not convinced they are having any real impact on...

The Rule of +1
The Rule of +1 states: Any objective can be achieved significantly faster when existing effort is increased by +1. Here are five examples...

Never Walk By A Mistake
I have this peculiar habit. If I see a foreign object on the floor or carpet, I stop to pick it up. If there is a crooked picture...

Face Your Fears
I love baseball. One thing I find fascinating about a baseball player is that he will approach the batter’s box with his heart beating...

Turning Tragedy into Triumph
I certainly don't recommend you do this but here is some interesting trivia about Winston Churchill. It was December 1931, and while...

When Life Knocks You Down…
"So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He...

How To "Get Rich Quick."
I constantly meet people that are striving to achieve success and significance in today's world. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with...

Paid In Full... with one glass of milk
This is a true story of a boy named Howard Kelly. He was born unprivileged hence, he would sell goods from one house to another just to...

Servant Leadership
As Christian leaders, and business professionals, we add value to others when we do things that God values. I believe that God desires...